As part of a course, classmates and I partnered with UFisheries, a family-owned business from Minneapolis, Minnesota. We collaboratively developed a cohesive brand strategy to expand UFisheries’ social presence as well as an interactive website prototype that can be implemented to enhance customers’ experience.
To develop the brand strategy and interactive website prototype, we created user personas and scenarios, conducted competitive analyses against other relevant vendors, and coordinated usability and user tests.
1. Increase user engagement, activity, traffic/traction, and community generation on Instagram.
2. Expand and maintain a customer network of wholesale buyers through a website that allows for a smooth user experience.
Brand strategy
To create a cohesive brand strategy for UFisheries, we first conducted competitive analyses against 4 direct and indirect competitors in order to identify UFisheries’ strengths and weaknesses relative to each competitor.
Our client was particularly interested in enhancing the social media presence on Instagram, and thus, we paid specific attention to competitors’ engagement on the platform (e.g., frequency of posts, number of likes and comments, and product presentations).
Through a competitive analysis, we found that UFisheries could improve their Instagram presence by improving the quality of content they share, utilizing advertising, and building connections with followers.
Website redesign
UFisheries’ goals included a more interactive, aesthetic, and efficient website for customers. In order to improve their website, we first conducted usability tests with potential UFisheries customers to gauge potential customers’ perceptions of and experiences with the website.
We identified major pain points of the website: unorganized home page, lack of company information, inconsistent product listings, inefficient checkout and e-commerce system, lack of accessibility across formats. To address these pain points, we iteratively designed an updated website prototype through Figma.
After addressing key pain points in the prototype, we conducted user tests with the same usability test participants to compare general responses, perceptions, and attitudes toward the re-design. We identified additional areas of improvement including clickability, product descriptions, and consistency across design.
View some of the redesigned pages below!
We created a final report that outlines the steps we took to help UFisheries’ in improving their online presence and website interface and design.